Ahmet Öğüt

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© All images on this site and their copyrights owned by Ahmet Öğüt unless otherwise stated.
Images are not to be reprinted or reused without the expressed permission of Ahmet Ögüt.

Fantasized Fantastic Corporeal World

10 drawings
pencil on paper
typewritten text21 × 29,7 cm (each)
constructed gravity room
Courtesy of the artist
Commissioned by Seoul Museum of Art - SeMA
Fantasized Fantastic Corporeal World (2019) is a series of ten drawings accompanied by a text box typewritten by the artist. The vignettes are actual stories published in local newspapers and quickly forgotten, swallowed by a media system constantly trying to catch up with the latest news. The stories are so ironic and paradoxical they seem untrue. However, they single out extra-ordinary experiences with the tools enforced by the “nation-state” to govern everyday life, from racial segregation to border control, currency deregulation, issuing passports to non-human entities, or creating fake embassies where law enforcement is out of reach. Sketched on a white paper with a simple pencil, every vignette reflects the transitory element of the story at a given time, suggesting a possible change in outcomes which could prevail over - or generate - a different narrative.

Sara Dolfi Agostini


View of the drawings inside the constructed gravity room at Seoul Museum of Art - SeMA