Ahmet Öğüt

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Channel HD animation
3 minutes
Commissioned by 11th Gwangju Biennale
Produced in collaboration with JM Animation Co.
Supported by Mondriaan Foundation and Saha Association

Öğüt created the animation United in memory of twenty-one year old protester Lee Han-yeol, who died in Seoul in 1987, and Enes Ata, a six-year-old Kurdish boy who lost his life during protests in Diyarbakır, in Öğüt’s homeland Turkey in 2006. This animation, in the style of Korean comics manhwa, not only portrays the stories of these two young boys that fell victim to state violence, struck with gas canisters during civilian protests, but portrays them both as narrators, giving us tips on how to protect ourselves from tear gas. United was initially produced in collaboration with JM Animation Studios, commissioned by the 11th Gwangju Biennale.