Ahmet Öğüt

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© All images on this site and their copyrights owned by Ahmet Öğüt unless otherwise stated.
Images are not to be reprinted or reused without the expressed permission of Ahmet Ögüt.
Mysterious Monolith 

30 cm × 120 cm × 270 cm (1 ft × 4 ft × 9 ft)
Interactive Sculpture
(steel, heat sensitive thermochromic ink)
Private Collection
Ahmet Öğüt’s first permanent sculpture “Mysterious Monolith” located at the border between Istanbul and Kocaeli, takes its origin from the monolith appears in the 1968 Stanley Kubrick cult
film 2001: Space Odyssey, adapted from Arthur C. Clarke’s eponymous novel. Öğüt’s version of the monolith is coated in thermochromic paint, reacting to body heat and sunlight, and copper colour shifts according to the sun’s daily cycle. 
