Ahmet Öğüt

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The Swinging Doors

 2009 - 2018
original riot shields
90 x 52,5 cm (each)
A swinging door made of two original riot shields. The shields, typically used by police to block protesters during demonstrations, here become doors that physically join two rooms. This intervention subverts the original function of the object and thus activates direct relation between the viewer and the work: the viewers ‘force’ this device into a method of passage rather than inhibition and in doing so compute an action of resistance.

The Swinging Doors | 2009 | original riot shields | 90 x 52,5 cm (each) | view from Peep-Hole Milan

The Swinging Doors | 2009 | riot shields | 90 x 52,5 cm (each) | view from Warsaw Museum of Modern Art